As the year draws to an end, people all over the world look forward to glittering decorations, lively music, tasty foods, fireworks and exciting gifts/cards just because Christmas is around the corner. But many know little about this holiday. Now let’s briefly take a look at the history of Christmas.

The English term “Christmas” means mass on Christ’s day. It is held every year on the 25th of December which is the day that the Roman Catholic Church selected to mark the celebration of “the Incarnation of Jesus Christ”. Truth is, no one knows the exact date Jesus was born.
December 25 was the Christianizing of the “day of the birth of the unconquered sun” (a popular holiday in the Roman Empire). After December 25 had become widely accepted as the date of Jesus’ birth, Christian writers often made the connection between the rebirth of the sun and the birth of the son.

People around the world delight in all kinds of tasty food and fun during Christmas, there are also festive customs practiced by a lot of people. Christmas cards, Christmas carol, gift giving, fireworks, Christmas trees, etc are common practices of people during this special season. Also, Green and red colors are best known for their association with Christmas.
My dears, we dare not talk about Christmas without a mention of the big bearded, rosy-cheeked cheerful man called “Santa Claus” also known as “Father Christmas”.

Wait! Have you ever wondered how he got the name, Santa Claus?
The name comes from “Sinter Klaas” meaning “Saint Nicholas” in Dutch. St. Nicholas was known for his kindness and generosity, he later became the patron saint of children. There are other Christmas characters over the world apart from Santa. For example, in Italy, a kind witch called La Befana is said to fly around on a broomstick delivering toys to children, and so many other characters.
When Christmas comes around with its glittering lights, tasty treats, and wrapped gifts, it is easy to forget the real meaning of Christmas. Christmas is not about any of those, it is about celebrating Jesus Christ, let’s not forget that.
To actually have a good Christmas, one has to plan accordingly. Want to make your Christmas worth it? Here are some tips to do so.

- Take time to reflect
Spend some time with your family and loved ones. Be grateful for the season. Take time to appreciate your loved ones.
- Be grateful, it’s also the end of the year
Spend some quiet time reflecting on all of the blessings in your life for the year and up to this time. Pray, and be grateful to God with your family.
- The gift of giving
The importance of gifts cannot be over-emphasized, gifts put smiles on people’s faces. There are so many ways to give. You could donate to a charity, cook extra food to provide someone with a Christmas meal, bake some Christmas goodies, or let a needy person get a gift from you. Also, for every gift you receive give away something you no longer use. It would be your clothes, shoes, bag, furniture etc.
- Christmas carols
Christmas carols create the feeling of Christmas. You could gather family together to enjoy singing the Christmas carols together or attend the ones close by your neighborhood. But make sure carol is amongst the top of your priority, they are always fun. This is my best part of Christmas. The songs, the colours, you know these things.
- Vacation
Christmas is a time where we get to interact and have fun with our family and friends. You could pick an area close to your family and friends or if you want to experience a different culture, then pick somewhere that you wish to visit. Create unforgettable memories with your loved ones, make it a day that you want to remember for years to come.