The Power of Care in Business

Yesterday taught me two surprising lessons: the power of customer care even from a distance, and the humbling realization that you can’t truly appreciate someone’s work until you’ve walked in their shoes.

Due to a shortage of manpower, I decided to help the plumbers who were fixing the tanks in the picture below. For the first time, I found myself climbing up that height and dragging a tank with them using a rope. As I did, a flood of thoughts raced through my mind—chief among them, the fear of slipping and falling. It was terrifying, yet the plumbers handled it as if they were on solid ground—completely fearless! My obvious discomfort became a source of amusement for them, and honestly, I couldn’t blame them. If you were there, you would laugh too. It was both humbling and eye-opening.

What truly earned my respect was the plumber who arranged the job. Though he couldn’t be there himself, he didn’t just send his team—he kept in constant contact, calling every hour to ensure everything was going smoothly. Even after the work was done, he remained attentive, ensuring I was completely satisfied.

Yesterday, I learned that we can never fully grasp the challenges of a job until we’ve tried it ourselves. And more importantly, it doesn’t take much to win a client’s loyalty—just genuine care and intentional effort. That’s what turns a simple transaction into a lasting relationship.

On a different note, I’m excited to share that the Carnival of Trade is just around the corner! This event is more than just a festival; it’s a celebration divided into a carnival, competitions in cultural stage drama and dance, talent hunts, and a trade fair among secondary school students. There will be empowerment opportunities for youths and students, offering them a chance to showcase their talents and gain valuable skills. For the audience, it promises to be a few hours of entertainment and mind-blowing fun. We encourage investors to seize the opportunity to partner with Canjud Global Enterprises and be a part of this incredible event. See full details here:

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